Community partnerships

Bangarra Dance Theatre
We have been a proud partner of Bangarra Dance Theatre since 2017. The strength of our partnership is defined by our shared passion of connecting people across urban, regional, and remote areas. We are proud to support and partner with Bangarra to elevate our country’s rich national identity and inspire the next generation of Australians.
BAI's partnership with Bangara Dance Theatre
Play video
From the frontline: keeping services on-air
Throughout March 2022, the Northern Rivers region, located in North-Eastern New South Wales (NSW) experienced unimaginable chaos and damage from flooding. As parts of the Australian East coast received more than triple the normal amount of rain, the floodwaters in Lismore peaked two metres above the previous record flood.
It’s our dedication to keeping local communities connected that makes BAI Australia and our teams uniquely equipped to respond to complex emergencies and natural disasters. Our response demonstrates the capability, courage, resilience, and commitment of BAI teams to go above and beyond every time.
Fitzroy Crossing
In November 2022, BAI representatives were invited to Fitzroy Crossing to see firsthand how our partnership supports their artistic and community programs, as they returned the completed work, SandSong: Stories from the Great Sandy Desert to Country.
Since this visit, widespread flooding caused destruction across the Kimberly region including damage to critical infrastructure, greatly impacting the Fitzroy Valley and its surrounds.
We are committed to ensuring our continued connection to this community and have recently made a donation to the Marninwarntikura Fitzroy Women’s Resource Centre on behalf of BAI and are exploring other ways to show our support.
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